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GK2 RWA Elections Are Finally Over
Greater Kailash 2

GK2 RWA Elections Are Finally Over

Now that the dust has settled, one can take a retrospective view of the recently concluded GK2WA elections. The Red team led by Mr Shadi Ram Sharma won in the end by a fairly comfortable margin but the good fight put up by the Blue team led by Ms Bhavna Gupta cannot be discounted. There was some unpleasantness on the morning of the voting day on 28th April‘24 but better sense prevailed fortunately and a bigger conflagration was avoided. So, congrats to the Red team for the victory and a “shaabashi” to the Blue team for a good fight.

 It’s time now to get down to the job of tackling the serious issues facing our colony like the builder menace, cleanliness and sanitation, water woes and so on. Also we should prevail on the powers that be to allot some accommodation to our RWA to house our office as well as to hold our meetings. For example, the community center of the MCD next to the Singh Sabha Gurudwara or the vacant land around that could be considered a few options.

On a lighter note, many residents (including me) are going to miss all the wining and dining, the get togethers, and the din and bustle generated by the elections. In the end, all said and done, we in GK2 are better placed than a lot of other colonies. We have one RWA to represent us and to take up our issues with the authorities whereas many RWA’s have splintered over the years into smaller block wise units etc.

The issue before the newly elected Red team is crystal clear. The residents have reposed their trust in you. You are the representatives of the big influential colony of GK2 and you have the backing of thousands of residents. No authority can take you lightly. Kindly live up to their expectations and tackle their problems. The Blue team is going to keep you on your toes under its watchful eyes as a responsible opposition.
