Alarmed at the increasing rate of Break-ins, Car Thefts and a High Court Order to cease posting of unmanned Barricades on City Roads, a solution had to be found post haste, as RWA’s and Police alike were being asked uncomfortable questions both on Security and Inconvenience in equal measure. Opening up Barricades at eight GK-I Entry/Exit points would throw security out of gear. At the same time allowing use of just one Entry/Exit at B-Block Petrol Pump leads to major inconvenience to residents of Hemkunt, Pamposh, R & E Blocks of GK-I etc. Especially in emergency situations. Cancelled Ola/Uber rides, missed flights, long detours costing Rs. 100-150 more to reach home etc. were protested on various WhatsApp groups.
In Oct 2022 Pan GK RWA’s and GK-I Police under SHO Ajit Kumar Upadhayay embarked on a novel Program to pool in money for a joint Night Vigil Programme. (Reported in Samvada in the October & January Issues) Some RWA’s voiced apprehensions towards their contribution as they were short of resources as 40% to 60% residents do not pay their membership subscription. Some felt they needed funds to deploy extra Guards for Day Time Security as Snatchings and Breaking-ins were on the rise. A few RWA’s felt Security is the duty of Police and gradually it is being transferred to RWA’s.
As reported earlier GK-I Police Station is short of staff and operating at almost 50% strength, a solution had to be found for both Security & Inconvenience issues. SHO Ajit Kumar Upadhayay assured that concerns of all will be addressed Holistically in a phased manner, starting with Night Vigil and on the success of which would depend expansion of the Programme to Day time as well.
Six months on the results are encouraging, there had been zero Car thefts till March, at the time of writing this article one car theft has just been reported. But all in all it has been a successful programme but to continue needs revenue and most RWA’s were unable to raise funds, therefore unable to pay.
It was then decided in an urgent meeting of RWA’s and SHO to turn to Individual Donors to join the initiative and to honour such Samaritans, Police would Confer upon them Police Mitra Certificates and ID Cards. Most Donors approached were gracious and offered to fund the program without any recognition. Kudos to all involved in making this Program a Success.
by Rajiv Kakria (9810275168)
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