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Greater Kailash 2

GK-2 – When Will The Colony Get The Attention That It Deserves?

Of late, there has been a flurry of inaugurations of various new initiatives in GK-2. In a span of just ten days during Feb-Mar‘24, drives for development of back lanes, beautification of parks, launch of badminton courts etc were undertaken. While such measures are definitely welcome, one wonders why such welfare initiatives gain momentum only during the time of the elections while the colony remains in a state of neglect for most of the remaining time.

Again, some of the basic and more pressing issues plaguing the colony like sanitation, repair of broken roads, replacement of damaged drains, pruning of trees, redressal of traffic woes, management of Builders‘ menace and patch-up of overflowing sewers have still not been addressed and continue to stick out as sore thumbs at several places across the colony. It is obvious that currently these issues are not on anybody’s list of priorities.

A lot has been written in these columns from time to time about the civic apathy in GK-2. One can only hope that these civic issues are addressed on priority before moving on to the other less important matters so that the quality of living in GK-2 improves and comes up to the levels befitting the status of our prestigious colony.   
