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GJCSCF Members Enjoyed Fun Games
Gulmohar Park

GJCSCF Members Enjoyed Fun Games

GJCSCF held its monthly meeting on 27th May 2024 at T T Hall of Gulmohar Centre 5.00 P.M.on onwards. Despite terrible heat a large number of members attended the meeting. Mr Y Sahay, the President of the forum welcomed all. After that two minutes silence was observed in memory of Mrs  Adarsh Talwar, wife of our senior most member Mr K K Talwar.

Mrs Madhu Bhandari as usual took the responsibility to entertain all the guests with an intriguing game where one line was divided in three parts, one member had to speak one part, the second person middle part and third person last part and it had to be completed simultaneously by all members. Rules were explained and all members enjoyed the game. Mr Rajeev Bhalla as a scorer of the game was noting the name of the members who were not able to pronounce the right words.

After that a tricky questionnaire was distributed among members. 30 seconds were given to complete 18 questions in the form of fill in the blank. The papers were collected and checked by Madhu and Rajeev. Though all have attended well but due to highest score, Mr Y Sahay was declared first position holder. Mrs Prateema Chaturvedi was second and there was tie for third position as Mrs Geeta Jha and Mr V Bhan, Mr. Subhash and Mrs Shashi Bhardwaj had equal scores. As there was only one prize, the winner was decided by lottery and Shashi Bhardwaj was lucky one to grasp the third prize. All the three winners were given prizes. That was followed by birthday celebrations, cutting of cake and mouth watering snacks and tea.
