Myth Vs Facts
GJCSCF held a talk on Cardiological practices – myth versus facts at the Gulmohar Center in association with Gulmohar club by renowned cardiologist Dr Hemant Madan, 4:30 p.m. onwards on 18th August. The President, Y Sahay of the forum welcomed all the members and gave a brief introduction of Dr.Madan. He was welcomed by presenting a bouquet by Forum’s Vice President s Kanta Joshi. Mr. Umesh Sahdev welcomed his wife Dr Renu Madan. This was appreciated by all with a huge applause.
Dr Madan explained that heart problems increasing after Covid is a myth. There is no research medical data to support this claim. There is no medical data to support that Covid vaccine has adverse effects on the heart. It is yet to be proved.
He further explained that a heart attack is known as myocardial infarction which occurs when heart muscles do not get enough blood this can occur when coronary arteries become blocked and the heart muscles do not get enough blood. There are a number of reasons for this to occur. Age is one of the reasons for heart attacks to increase. 45 years onwards in men and after menopause in women, risk of heart attack increases in women.
He explained that in certain cases young children can also have heart attacks. The reasons being:
1.Life style choices like smoking, alcohol, drug, and physical inactivity.
2.Health conditions like High blood pressure, unhealthy eating habits, diabetes, obesity.
3. Stress and depression.
4. High Cholesterol which leads to development fatty deposits in blood vessels leading to blockages. Sometimes those deposits break suddenly and form a clot that causes heart attacks and a stroke.
It was an interesting session, all questions, queries and doubts raised from members regarding Heart diseases were answered by Dr Madan. Everyone enjoyed his sense of humour and wit. Mr. Y. Sahay thanked Dr Madan and presented a momento. Mr. Subhash Saluja the General Secretary of the Forum also presented a momento to Dr Renu Madan, wife of Dr Madan. That was followed by tea and mouthwatering delicious samosas from the Club kitchen.

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