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GJCSCF Holds Multiple Sessions For Its Members
Gulmohar Park

GJCSCF Holds Multiple Sessions For Its Members

GJCSCF held its monthly meeting on 27th August 5.00 PM onward at Gulmohar Club ‘s TT hall. Mr.Y Sahay welcomed the all the members and guest of honour of the day, gave a brief introduction of guests Doctor Lalit Kant Sharma the ex Head Division Of Epidemiology and communicable disease at ICMR. Mrs Sneha Meer Chandani Branch Manager CBI Gulmohar Park, Mr.Gangwani Regional Manager Central Bank of India. Mr Subhash Saluja and Madhu Bhandari presented a rose bud to  each of them.

Mr.Gangwani in his address expressed his pleasure to see his old customers and meeting senior citizens. He said Gulmohar park is like a family and he will be available for solving any problem and serving every customer of Gulmohar  Park at any time. Mrs S.Meerchandani, the Branch  Manager informed that she is pleased to join CBI BRANCH of Gulmohar Park and will be happy to serve residents of the colony especially senior citizens. She explained various deposit schemes along with rate of interest and other benefits, special schemes for senior citizens. All queries questions doubts were answered by both the officers.bMrs Madhu Bhandari requested that The ATM of the bank should be in working order as there is only one ATM in the colony and it is mostly out of order. Mrs Meerchandani assured that she will make sure that the ATM will  be functional 24 hours in future.

Dr. Lalita Kant Epidemiologist and also a member of GJCSCF was invited and requested by the forum management  to explain as an expert the importance of administering vaccines of Influenza and Pneumonia. He recommended and  emphasized  the necessity of  vaccination for these two diseases for senior citizens over 60 years of age.Though it is safe for all persons over ten years. As our forum is planning a camp for both vaccines, the forum management ask him to give expert advice. He explained that both the vaccine sanofi for flu and Pneumococcal  for pneumonia are safe and could be taken the same day so there is  no harm. Pneumococcal is administered only one time but as flu viruses constantly changing a new virus strain circulates  every flu season, doctors.identify new virus and new vaccine  formula is developed every year, so flu vaccine is needed to be taken every year and September /October is the ideal time for that.

Vinay Indulkar,  one of forum’s senior members above 70 years of age  with a heart mended by open heart surgery, adventurer by nature was ask to present a brief travelog of his recent journey to Srinagar to Ladakh by car so that other.members could be inspired by him. He informed that it was his heart’s desire to travel but he had to postpone that due to covid.  This year he with a friend who is also a heart patient having  pacemaker had decided to take this journey by car. There are two routes to reach Kargil Srinagar route or Manali route. He took the  Srinagar route. He covered approximayely 1068 km and completed his tour in 19 days. There are three passes on Srinagar Leh Marg – 1) Zoila 3528 meter, the toughest 2) Namila meter of 3528 Mt  3) Mulbekh 3700 mt..

 Drass valley is the gateway to Ladakh and coldest places in the world. He describe beauty of Drass valley The roads are good, bad and somewhere no road at all. From Srinagar   to Ganderbai and Kangan the landscape are beautiful and mesmerizing. The kargil war memorial is located at Drass, reaching there remembering all those warriors and there sacrifices, paying tribute to them is the utmost achievement of the journey. He said that while traveling by  car one should be  well equipped with oxygen cylinder to extra food etc

 After that Harsh Narula  gifted all members an all purpose “FIT FAST” balm a product  of his pharmaceutical company.  Another surprise of the day was Dr. Vinay Shankar Sharma’s  ( a practicing Homeopath) book ‘‘गम ए तन्हाई’’ launching. It was released by Kanta Joshi in presence of Mr.Y Sahay, Mr.S Sluja, Dr V. S.Sharma and his wife Asha Sharma.

A momento was presented to all three guests of the day and birthday gift was given to all birthday boys and girls. After vote of thanks by P°resident Mr Y Sahay, birthday celebrations of all August borns by cutting of cake and mouth watering Bondas and tea  was held amongst pleasant .chitchat.
