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Gulmohar Park


The Gulmohar Journalists Colony Senior Citizen Forum hed its seventh AGM on September 10th 2023 at Gulmohar Club’s TT room. The AGM was called at 11.30 AM but differed for 30 minutes for lack of quorum and started at 12.00 PM. A record number of members attended the meeting. The President welcomed the members and condoled the demise of forum’s four members Mr.S K.Gupta, Mr.P. L.Jaiswal  Capt. Ravindran Krishan, and Mrs.Indira Agrawal. Two minutes of silence was observed in  their memory.

The meeting agenda began with Minutes of last year’s AGM held on 28th August 2022 were endorsed as approved  since no comments were received so far. The Secretary’s Report 2022 23, The Audited Accounts for financial year 2022/23, the agenda for appointment of Statutory Auditors M/S Amit Arun & Associates Charted Accountants were also approved.

The Secretary of the Forum Mr.S.Saluja in his report welcomed all members, paid tribute to four departed members, mentioning the activities during the year, he said forum had Legal talk by Apurva Thakur and  Manish Kumar to guide senior citizens on succession and writing  a will , Medical talk on orthopedic problems by Dr H Hegde ,vMedical talk on  Influenza and Pneumonia by Epidemiologist Dr. Lalit Kant Sharma  Organised by An Influenza vaccine Camp supported by Dr.Kant  through the efforts of core team Mr. Bhan, Mr.Bhalla and Mr. Sahdev. The camp was open to all residents and despite rain 135 people were vaccinated. Medical talk by Dr Daya Uppadhay on Post Covid Taking Care Of Your Lungs and Boosting Immunity. Forum also received two wheel chairs from an NGO.

The forum organized many cultural activities during the year, some presented by forum’s members and some by trained artists from the ministry of song and drama division such as Chhau Dance, Malvo lok geet, Bihu Dance, Lok geet from North India. He thanked forum members Madhu Bhandari, Krishna Dev, Malvika Takur, Shashi Bhardwaj, Veena Sharma, Vimal Bhan, Vijay Sharma, Sheel Aditya for  entertaining members with their singing talents.

The forum honoured  Mr Ananad Prakash Sharma on International Day for Older persons. His Hindi Book ^^cl ;w gh** was released. Mrs. Ritu Sangal and Mrs Geeta Jha, were honoured for their achievements in art and literature.

The most important event of the year was the  release of forum’s monthly E Magazine  in August 2022. It has completed a year without a break, covering  forum’s events, members views , original poems, writeup, articles etc. He thanked Mr Umesh Sahdev for  his dedication for the success of Magazine. The forum presented a momento on Diwali and presents token gifts to members on their birthday.

He thanked ‘Samvad ‘ management and editors for publishing the forum’s monthly events, ‘Elderly News ‘ editorial board. He thanked all the members, Gulmohar Club for their continuous support. PTI  management,  RWA for support and Cooperation. Mr Azad, Mr.Bhardwaj, Mr J P  Singh for their expert advice. Mr Amit Arun And Associate were appointed  as Auditor. Mr.Koti Reddy suggested that number of female members should be more. President informed it is 33%. He also suggested the forum should have some indoor games for members. Mr.Y.Sahay inform as the forum has no space for such activities we depend on Gulmohar club for functioning.
