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Getting Off On The Right Foot With Greensole

Getting Off On The Right Foot With Greensole

Towards the end of May 2024, I got to know about the GreenSole initiative of collecting and recycling old and damaged shoes. We at SC1 decided to participate in it. Seema Menon (G3) offered to make her Guard Room a point of collection for the shoes. A group of three children from Central Park, Gurgaon, had volunteered to collect one thousand pairs of shoes for GreenSole and we are proud to announce that on the 5th of June 2024, which is World Environment Day, South City 1 contributed seventy pairs of worn-out and damaged shoes towards closing this loop of circularity. Considering that manufacturing a pair of shoes generates 30 pounds of emissions which equates to leaving a 100-watt bulb burning for a week, some Residents of South City 1 became a part of sustainable fashion. 

A total of nine hundred discarded shoes were sent by train to GreenSole’s factory in Mumbai where they would be refurbished and distributed to those in need, thus creating a social impact. Recycling the shoes keeps the old footwear from going into landfills hence it is an environment-friendly activity. GreenSole also retails eco-friendly footwear towards establishing a self-sustaining social venture. 

Kudos to all the “Green souls” of South City 1 who supported GreenSole! (https:
