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New Friends Colony

“Geotagging” -Third Session for Assistance Organized By NFC RWA (Ashoka Park)

NFC RWA (Ashoka Park) was and still is receiving several calls following announcement and publication of the new demand of ‘geotagging of property’ by MCD. Most of our residents seem to have got the requisite clarity on the path of ‘geotagging’ their respective properties. However, many glitches came their way and a request ensued for requesting officials from the Department for hep and assistance to enable residents to comply with the new norm. The RWA forwarded their request to the House-Tax Assessment Office, MCD which was acceded to and thus a third CAMP was held at the NRC RWA (Ashoka Park) office on 17.02.2024. The official present also informed the residents that as of today, ‘geotagging’ is not mandatory. However, in the event that a property is not geotagged, the rebate of 10% currently available on house-tax will be withdrawn in respect of that particular property. Many residents, mostly seniors visited the camp and took assistance. 
