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General Body Meeting By SLRWA
Sushant Lok 1

General Body Meeting By SLRWA

The General Body Meeting in Sushant Lok, C block was organized by SLRWA on October 2nd, Wednesday, in the Community Centre. It was good to see a big crowd congregated at the venue but disheartening to see the WhatsApp warriors were all missing, the cribbers were seldom found, and mostly the senior citizens were in the crowd. Mr. Verma gave a brief description of the work that was carried on by the SLRWA team in the C and C1 block after greeting the residents to the forum. Mr. Dalwani presented a detailed description of the sewage system and urged the crowd to be a paid member of the society so that a lot more work could be carried on more aggressively.

Some residents presented their views about certain issues, some presented suggestions and some were just fine with the RWA’s work. Some residents had come with a vengeance to spoil the environment, some thought it was the corner of the park they had their morning gossip at, but kudos to Mr. Verma; who handled the matter quite efficiently. In all, it was a good session, resulting on a cordial note, with refreshments and goodbyes and with the hope that more residents pay their dues to carry out the good work!
