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Geeta Atherya Spoke On Cacti & Succulents
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Geeta Atherya Spoke On Cacti & Succulents

AIKGA Meeting

It was a beautiful winter evening as the plants sparkled in the sun and cast long shadows on the ground. We gathered around Geeta Atherya, our speaker, who’s an ocean of knowledge for cactus and succulents. Her house is a treasure cove of these beautiful thorny plants.

“All cacti are succulents, but all succulents are not cacti,” she started with a fact. The leaves are modified into thorns so they can adapt to the dry and hot environment. They survive by storing water for a long period of time through their extensive root system, which absorbs water from the soil when it rains.

Geetaji told us there are many varieties of cactus…. thorny ones, less thorny and even with no thorns. Their names are so complicated and yet she mentioned every one of them with so much ease. Astrophitums-myostigma are very easy to grow and have beautiful flowers. Gymnocalycium can self pollinate. Haworthia are hardy, beautiful and can survive easily. She gave us some handouts on how to grow cactus. Cooking coal (after burning) is mixed with cow dung. Soil should be porous. Not much water is required, in summers every 2 days and in winters once a week is enough. When the cactus blooms, some give seeds, and we propagate with them. Start by choosing a flat container, some manure, sprinkle seeds and cover them with plastic. The most difficult time for them is the rainy and summer season. Cactus catches fungus easily so fungicide should be used.

As we drenched ourselves with the knowledge of cactus and succulents, we saw the sun setting down the horizon. Abha, another amazing member of our Association, came up with a very interesting quiz and facts about birds. We had a wonderful time playing and were awarded with gifts.

Finally, Nanditaji thanked Geetaji and presented her with a beautiful plant. The meeting came to an end with delicious snacks and Christmas cake made by our hostess Rashmi. Everyone was craving a hot cup of masala chai which we all enjoyed.
