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GBM Decisions And Other Updates
Sector 104 Noida

GBM Decisions And Other Updates

The BOM has been working on many fronts. On Sunday, 26 November, a GBM took place in which important decisions were made with respect to the cleanliness and decorum of the society. The GBM approved fines for various violations including for littering, non-disposal of pet excreta, incorrect car parking etc.

A Visitor Access Policy was approved too. AOH does not have a designated visitor parking. Hence, a comprehensive visitor vehicle policy was needed which has now been put in place. This is aimed at reducing inconvenience to residents as well as visitors.

Also, in the GBM, club charges were revised from the existing INR 7,500 for half a day to INR 10,000 for half a day.

In the AOH gardens, there are a few new additions. The gazebo in front of T3 has been lit up with colourful lights. This has created a nice ambience and will attract more residents. The lonely gazebo will have company now!

The in-house nursery has been expanded and given a face-lift to ensure we reduce our dependence on external nurseries and achieve cost savings and sustainability. This season, we got a variety of saplings like marigold, chrysanthemum, ice plant, nasturtium, alyssum, verbena etc. from our nursery.

We have saved approximately INR 1,00,000. At the same time, we have filled every corner with new flowering plants to make the winter as colourful as possible.

Lastly, while November saw the screening of the cricket matches, early December has seen a winter popup in the commercial complex. The Cultural Committee is now working towards an exciting Christmas Carnival on Monday, 25 December.
