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Garden of the Month
Defence Colony

Garden of the Month

Rashmi Bajaj (A-167) is known in her lane for the Best Garden

We continue our series to highlight the efforts of our “nature friendly residents” who make extra effort to make their home and colony green by creating their own private gardens on the terrace, balconies and on the ground floor of their plots.

This month the spotlight is on Rashmi Bajaj, (A-167) who is known in her lane for the best garden in her house to create a great ambience for the visitors. Bajaj started this garden from few pots about 15 years back and now she has more than 300 beautifully created masterpieces kept all over her house. The care of these plants is not easy especially during the summer months when you may need to water them twice to save them. Bajaj is assisted by her husband Arun Bajaj to divide the watering duties to ensure that all the plants are kept healthy at all times. The plants include some medicinal and herbal plants to support the family to remain healthy. She also has a corner for veggies to get some really organic stuff for her kitchen. The regular trimming, fertilizers, changing of pots etc. is an awesome “timepass” for the Bajaj couple who feel proud to develop these plants in so manyyears.

Lastly, we at Samvada are there to support any resident who wants to start gardening as an hobby in the near future. These plants can give you soothing effect which is much better than any kind of meditation. Anyone having these small gardens may connect with Ajay Kumar, Editor, Samvada @ 9999055994 to get included in this series.
