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From the GKIIWA President`s Desk
Greater Kailash 2

From the GKIIWA President`s Desk

GKIIWA coordinated with the Department of Health Services, Govt of NCT of Delhi, through our MLA Mr Saurabh Bhardwaj, to organize free Covid vaccination facility at Nanaksar Medical Centre on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September 2022 for all aged above 12 years. In all, 187 residents availed this facility and got themselves vaccinated GKIIWA has objected to the proposal by MCD to increase property tax in Delhi. We sent our written protest to the Chairman, Municipal Valuation Committee, on 16th September`22. This was followed up by a personal hearing with the Chairman, Municipal Valuation Committee on 24th September`22. Our objections have been noted by the concerned Authority and we are hopeful of a positive outcome in this matter. GKIIWA coordinated with MCD for fumigation by a vehicle in GK-2 on 1st October`22 to stop the spread of Dengue and Malaria. While this Drive was initially conducted on the main roads of the colony, it also included areas like the Durga Puja Pandals, Gurudwaras, Arya Samaj Mandir, Sanatan Dharam Mandir & KR Mangalam World School. Fumigation of the inner lanes of the colony is likely to be taken up later this month and we are coordinating with the Authorities for the same A new water pipeline in W Block GK-2 was inaugurated by Hon’ble DJB Vice Chairman & MLA Sh Saurabh Bhardwaj on 2nd October`22. This new water pipeline should further improve water supply in the area.
