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From the Desk of Ruma Sikka (9810387873)
Vasant Vihar

From the Desk of Ruma Sikka (9810387873)

Seniors Lunch At Vasant Vihar on 9/12/23: A lunch was organised at Kalyan Kendra auditorium on 9th December 2023. All seniors of Vasant Vihar were invited. It was a function attended and enjoyed by most senior residents. They danced and they sang and most of them took part in the merriment, it was lovely to see them enjoying themselves.

Boundary Wall In Hill View: A big boundry wall has fallen due to the heavy rains this year. Our President was not able to get it repaired by the MLA or the counselor nor did she use the RWA funds. This open wall was a danger to society, so I took it upon myself to fix this wall with contributions from some of my friends. A job well done I will say.

Illegal Taxi Stand: This taxi stand has come up in the last year or two. This is not really a taxi stand in reality. It is actually a place for him to park his tempo travelers and his taxis. These taxis are not public taxis but privately they are used for offices. I have taken this issue up with the police and the authorities but with little result. Can anyone help please?

Coolie camp is again in the news. It is overflowing with people. It is being built skyward. It is so dirty and unsightly. I write on this issue repeatedly but with no result. I am writing again hoping someone will take notice and do something. This camp is at the entry to Vasant Vihar and it is a shame that nothing is being done about it.

Parks in ‘B’ Block of Hill View: Some of the parks in our colony that used to be ‘Hara Bhara’ are depleted. They look neglected and have become parks for dogs to use them for shitting. We are not able to use these parks for walking. Can our RWA  take notice?
