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From the Desk of Ruma Sikka (9810387873)
Vasant Vihar

From the Desk of Ruma Sikka (9810387873)

Priya Complex! This shopping complex used to be the pride of Vasant Vihar in the old days. There was so much of activity with young and old enjoying the complex area. Those where the days when you could find lots of people going to the restaurants, movies, shopping, etc. But today there is hardly any crowd to talk of and the complex is cold and empty. On the main road another 15 or 16 panwallas have cropped up. This is in addition to the 16 panwallas that already existed in this area. Total of more than 30 panwallas. How did they get their permit and who helped them to get there. And what are they actually selling? Do we really have that many people eating just pan? I doubt it. My information tells me that they are all involved in selling drugs in some form or the other and since the law keepers get their cut everybody’s eyes and mouth are shut. They are not bothered about our youngsters getting addicted to drugs or anything only lining their pockets matter. 

‘E’ Block Market! This is a very convenient market where you can buy almost everything that is required to run your household. But of late the road around the market is chock o block with people and the bikes and cycles are parked in haphazard fashion. In the evening the thelewallas come to sell their wares further blocking the roads. Late evening you will find groups of people making groups to start playing cards (gambling) they block the passageway. The ladies have a tough time getting from one shop to the other. The men folk also jeer at them and pass dirty remarks. Morning store in this market has made a basement below the shop. Big time gambling goes on in this basement with loud music, alcohol and drugs. Can the authorities please look into these issues.

‘A’ Block Market: This is a small market supposed to be quiet and peaceful. But look at the handcarts that are trying to sell their wares. They are everywhere and the sweet meat shop ‘Bengal Sweets’ does not give a dam if I have reported him to the authorities earlier. He still has his illegal basement and is still occupying the side and front of his shop with tables. Now he has bought another shop in the same market. He has his goods spread out on the passageway. Shocking!
