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From Malibu To Indilove: Bobo’s Rehab Diary
Malibu Towne

From Malibu To Indilove: Bobo’s Rehab Diary

Find A Little Spot for Him in Your Hearts and Homes

When the incidents of dog-human conflicts shot up in the colony, in a first of sorts, the RWAs of the affected streets, with the help of dog-caretakers and a few residents, identified the alpha males, and taking a very humane approach, temporarily sent the most aggressive one to a dog boarding & shelter called Indilove. Having been sent for sterilization first, a month & half into the stay at Indilove, Bobo-the dog is already showing signs of reduced aggression. Being around other alpha males has turned him submissive and thanks to the wonderful caretakers, he has also come to trust humans and is becoming friendly towards them. This change of behaviour is much needed for him to stop seeing humans as a threat. Bobo still likes his freedom though & avoids the leash, looking for an escape route when any attempt is made to put it on.

His daily routine is now set like any other pet dog. Apart from getting two meals and a bed to sleep on, he also gets plenty of playtime with his fellow inmates which helps channelise his energy and further reduce aggression.  Little does he know that the bliss of a full stomach, a warm bed and shelter from rain & cold is short-lived, as he prepares to return to his former territory soon. The streets are not an easy place to be after all. As Bobo returns to the only place he has known as “Home”, we urge you to step forward to support us in our efforts to resolve the perennial conflict. And above all, find a little spot in your hearts and homes for these poor kids. We promise you a lifetime of gratitude loyalty, and wagging tails.  
