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From Green Park Extension President’s Desk
Green Park Main & Ext.

From Green Park Extension President’s Desk

The Sanitation Inspector and ASI were recently taken on a round of the entire colony today (Blocks A to V). The SI made a note of all the lanes and service lanes that need attention. The team had asked for a week’s time to clean all the hotspots and remove the wild growth and garbage from the service lanes. The work is under progress and the RWA is keeping a constant check.

All open storm water drains will be cleaned and the blocked drain covers that caused water logging in some blocks have been cleaned already.

Quite a few service lanes need repair and repaving. The RWA has taken up the issue with the Councillor and the Hon’ble MLA and a list of all such lanes had been given to them in the last Mohalla Sabha meeting. We are hopeful that work will begin soon.

Residents are requested to cooperate with the sanitation staff by not leaving household garbage outside their houses/under trees/ next to park walls etc. Please make use of the free garbage collection service provided by the RWA.

Do not leave malba outside your house or in service lanes. Please dispose of it responsibly. Please ensure you don’t have open drains with outlets towards the road. This water damages the roads.

Warm Regards Neha Puri
