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Friendship Club Members Meet After A Gap
Green Park Main & Ext.

Friendship Club Members Meet After A Gap

Members encouraged to move out and enjoy

Friendship Club meeting was held on 6th May 2023 after a gap of a month. Usually meetings are held every month clockwise but this time due to the increasing num-ber of Covid cases, it was
decided to defer the meeting for the month of April. About 50 members attended the May meeting thereafter to meet friends and enjoy their company.

Anjali Gogia, a resident of Green Park Extension, had arranged a workshop in Nahan, (Himachal Pradesh) on ‘Swajgrit Retreat’ from 29th April to 2nd May. Anita, Nilima, Poonam Kapila and Swaran shared the knowledge they gained and enjoyment they had as a group, in order to encourage other ladies to move out and not feel that they are indispensable in the house. In fact their worth in the house, which is usually taken for granted, will be recognized, when they move out. We all deserve to venture out and enjoy ourselves in the company of friends from time to time. The members were highly enthusiastic about following the precedent set up by these ladies.

This was followed by melodious songs by members. While relishing mouth watering fruits and snacks, the topic among ladies was ‘next time we will also go. Let the house be managed by others during our absence’ was the oft repeated refrain. All were fully convinced that they also have a right to ENJOY with friends.

by Dr.Pabley 9810029927
