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Friendship Club Members Learn CPR
Green Park Main & Ext.

Friendship Club Members Learn CPR

Dr. Anil Misra a qualified Anaesthesiologist, qualified Instructor in ‘Life support skills’ from American Heart Association and qualified in ‘Airway management’, was invited by friendsship club for a session.

The meeting was attended by 55 members of Friendship Club who were very keen to learn CPR (Cardio-heart Pulmonary-lungs Resuscitation) from Dr. Misra, who very kindly came with a Dummy to educate the audience.

His opening sentence wzs to remember we are rescuers and not treating people. All those who are given CPR, not all but some will survive.

Any pain above umbilicus, take it as CARDIAC unless proved otherwise.

When a person suddenly collapses, shout loudly ‘aap theek hai’ thrice. Response means a person is Conscious.

Remove any dangerous things around.

See if the chest is moving, indicating breathing is present. Remember, if gasping, it will result in cardiac arrest.

Patient should be on a hard surface.

Kneel on the side of patient, put right hand flat on the middle of chest, left hand with fingers in the web of right hand fingers folded under them, and press down with Full strength with Heel of hand, count 1001 (=1 second), release for one second and keep on doing. By doing this we are squeezing and relaxing the heart, hence improving circulation, and supplying oxygen to Brain & Heart.

Simultaneously call anyone nearby, ask to call on tel. no. 112 (universal number), give location, & tell to bring’ Electric Shock Machine.

Never put any water etc. in an unconscious person’s mouth, it will choke him.

Purpose of electric shock machine or Automatic External Defibrillator : Heart has an electric circuit, which coordinates the effective contraction of heart muscles. Any short circuit will disturb coordination and result in Fibrillation. This is corrected by the above machine.

After the question answer session refreshing snacks were enjoyed.

by Dr Pushpa Pabley 9810029927
