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Friends for Gurukul
Nirvana Country

Friends for Gurukul

On July 4th, at around 11 am, many people witnessed a van marked as “Earth Saviours-वृद्धाश्रम, आनाथलय, नारी निकेतन” commuting in and going out of Nirvana. Hold on! This van had not come to pick up any person but had come to pick up the donations that few of the community members contributed to send to this old age home. Ample ration and clothes were among the contribution today.

This van now comes once a month to Nirvana campus and picks up such generous contribution by the residents. This monthly contribution practice has been set up since 2018 as one family’s contribution then dropped to the Vridhhashram by the residents own vehicle, to now the van coming to pick up the contribution.

Seema Singh, the resident of DW 19, tells the story in her own words. “In 2018, I visited Gurukul on my son’s birthday to feed those in need. This experience was a wake-up call for me. I realized that our support shouldn’t be a one-time gesture, but a continuous effort. People like us have a responsibility to help those less fortunate on an ongoing basis.

Despite having a full-time job, I was determined to find a way to continue this support. The word spread and the residents came forward. Every month, we organize a donation drive. We called this initiative as ‘Friends of Gurukul’. Many residents contribute every month and ‘Friends of Gurukul’ coordinates between the need, supply and pick up,” she informs.

This initiative has brought the Nirvana community together in a meaningful way sharing the good blessings of life with the others in need.
