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Forever In Our Hearts: Honouring The Life And Legacy Of Our Resident Editor Manisha Nath
Sector 61 Noida

Forever In Our Hearts: Honouring The Life And Legacy Of Our Resident Editor Manisha Nath

It is with heavy hearts and moist eyes that we bid farewell to our beloved Manisha Nath, an inseparable part of our Samvada family who departed from this world on March 5, 2024. She was not just a talented individual but also a beacon of wisdom and kindness to all who had the privilege of knowing her.

A woman of many talents and passions, her journey in life was marked by remarkable achievements and a relentless pursuit of excellence. From a young age, she exhibited a natural flair for art, music and literature, captivating everyone around her with her creativity and vision. To those fortunate enough to be in her presence, Manisha Nath was not just a friend but a guiding light, a source of unwavering support, and a mentor par excellence. For me, she was like the elder sister I never had who stood by me in my lows. Her dedication to folk music was unparalleled, and her contributions to it were significant and enduring. Through her work, she inspired countless individuals, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who crossed her path. Manisha Nath was known for her warmth, compassion, and generosity. She had a rare gift of making everyone feel valued and understood, offering a listening ear and words of wisdom that resonated deeply with those seeking solace and advice. She was a devoted family member and friend. Her love for her family knew no bounds, and she cherished every moment spent with her loved ones, creating memories that will be treasured forever. As we mourn her loss, we also celebrate the beautiful life she lived and the profound impact she had on each of us. She will continue to inspire and guide us in the years to come, reminding us to embrace life with passion, kindness, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Manisha leaves behind a legacy of love, compassion, and extraordinary accomplishments that will be remembered fondly by all who had the privilege of knowing her. Though she may no longer be with us in person, her spirit will live on in our hearts, guiding us through life’s journey.

Rest in peace, dear Manisha Your presence will be deeply missed by the whole Samvada family.
