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Flood Relief Work by Wishtowners
Sector 128 Noida

Flood Relief Work by Wishtowners

A catastrophe struck when a sudden flood in Yamuna due to heavy rains in Himachal displaced more than 3000 habitants and their livestock to makeshift shelters along the Noida Bundh Road. Floods not only left people and animals vulnerable to hunger and disease but also damaged numerous homes and vegetation on the riverbank.

Many individuals/ groups/ organizations came forward to extend support. The Wish Town Sanskriti Samiti (WTSS) created a Relief Camp facility at the entry point of the Bundh Road, near Sector 127. They provided cooked lunches and dinners for almost 500 people from 14 to 19 July.

The effort was coordinated by Manikesh Tiwary, Rashmi Ranjan, Suresh Sharma, Manish Gupta and Shilpa Julka with active support from Air Cmde Nrip Mehta, Seema Bhattacharjee, Yashpal Negi, V P Singh, H C Arora, L B Gautam, Raghunath, Ajay Seth, and SK Maheshwari, to name a few.

Dr. Jaivy Joshi volunteered and attended to the medical emergencies and treated 150 to 200 patients every day for five days. WTSS sponsored free medicines for patients with help from Barkat, an NGO and CMO, Noida.

Puneet Gupta (PH2) distributed 130 bed sheets and 200 mosquito repellent lotions. 48 tarpaulins were donated by Manish Pandey: Richa Negi from Surbhi club distributed food. Augusta residents supplied fodder to the Cows and Bulls on a daily basis at the Camp.

Sangeeta Prasad & Col Ravi Prasad from Imperial Tower formed a ‘Help group’ of residents to support the flood victims. They distributed clothes and miscellaneous items of use. They gave rations and money to Bhandaras from 15 to 20 July.

Deepa Tiwari, from Bhavani Poojas and Bhandaras, distributed clothes and food to flood victims for almost 18 days. She also provided fodder including Hara Chara and Dalia to the Cows and Bulls till the flood water receded completely.

The good Samaritans deserve a standing ovation for extending unconditional support for this noble cause.
