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Food And Cooking As A Lavish Ritual
Sun City

Food And Cooking As A Lavish Ritual

We all are food lovers. It begins with our mothers and families and the foods they so lovingly prepared and thus our memories are strongly diverted with tastes and aromas that stay with us throughout our lives.

This new column in Samvada about food will be a journey throughout time for our readers and it will bring the flavours and tastes of the days bygone.

Suncity is a township where people from different castes, cultures and religions reside. Contributing recipes ( two recipes in a month) in this column will bring us together and back to the food and flavour of the traditional food cooked by our mothers- ‘Ma ka khana’. It will also build relationships between each other and a variety of dishes received will make the table varied. these recipes would be faces and voices of India’s tradition and creativity of its people living in Suncity.

India’s food and drinks both are connected with its changing seasons.This month we begin our series with ‘Sharbats’ which need the onset of the summer season.

As the Indian summer progresses and the mercury sours to 44 degrees the need to drink cool drinks and sharbats increases. It is advisable not to depend on soft drinks and commercially prepared juices for our children however attractive they look. With great stress on being fit and keeping our children fit, it is important to revive the old traditional sharbats to suit the fast lifestyle. Devoid of synthetic flavour these sharbats make perfect health drinks for all ages. Easy to make and delicious to drink.

Here is a recipe for a raw mango drink (Aam Panna) to take the edge off a hot summer day.

Panna—raw mango drink with jaggery.

1. Wash, peel and slice raw mango; 2. Pressure cook the sliced raw mangoes with water, jaggary, pepper and black salt for 10 minutes; 3. Let it cool down; 4. Blend and strain; 5. Check for sweetness; 6. Serve chilled, garnished with mint leaves.
