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Fogging in the Colony
Defence Colony

Fogging in the Colony

The monsoon season not only brings rain and good weather but also mosquitoes, which lead to epidemics like malaria and dengue. As a precautionary measure, our Councillor Anita Sandeep Baisoya instructed the MCD to carry our fogging in phases involving fogging machines, which till now were only authorised to be carried at places where dengue cases were detected. Fogging in all blocks was carried out with the support of some concerned residents who volunteered to coordinate. Our Councillor Anita Sandeep Baisoya arranged TIFA fogging machines, which did fogging all around the colony in the early hours of the morning when mosquito activity was at its peak. Focal spray is also being carried on a demand basis around the colony. Special appreciation goes to Nafees, our MCD Malaria inspector, who handles the whole operation.
