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Fires in the Colony
Defence Colony

Fires in the Colony

This month saw three fires in the colony all related to short circuiting in the Air conditioners. Two of them where in D block out which one was so severe that a full floor of a senior advocate officer was charred. Thanks to the quick response by police fire dept and our colony guards it was brought under control without and loss of life. The second one in D block again due to short circuiting in AC was self-controlled by senior resident who used a fire extinguisher available with him to extinguish the fire and cause further damage In the third incident in A block was again in an office at night but quick thinking and co-ordination between guards of both the associations helped the fire tenders to reach the location in time and the fire was bought under control. What was analysed in these fires was that at one location the fire extinguishers were missing, which is a MUST at every place and second at other location the fire extinguishers were available but the staff did know how to use it. Urge RWAs to organise a workshop with the fire and police dept for residents on fire safety and use of fire extinguishers. Also, residents are requested to check whether they have original MCV in their electrical circuits which in case of short circuit is the first form of defence also residents should have fire extinguishers at their premises. Our safety is in our own hands.
