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Firecrackers: ‘Why’ vs. ‘Why Not’ Raged for Some Days
Sector 92 & 93B

Firecrackers: ‘Why’ vs. ‘Why Not’ Raged for Some Days

by Sanjay Sarda (7838330700)

Diwali celebrations were few days later to the Vijay Diwas. In spite of all pollution warnings, green crackers and decibel level -restrictions, Diwali was celebrated with a gusto like there is no tomorrow. The debate on firecrackers – ‘Why’ vs. ‘Why Not’ again raged for some days.
Sharing with you the stand of both sides:

Diwali since many years has been identified by the bursting of crackers by happy excited young and old persons alike. Why Diwali? Even a cricket match that India wins or a New Year Celebration or even a marriage has these fireworks.

So, it is quite natural to correlate firecrackers as a means to express happiness. Nothing religious about it and definitely nothing wrong either. The firework shows in Dubai and Singapore and other places across the world, on New Year are famous.

So why is there all this hoopla over banning firecrackers? The logic given is that it is a Pollution Hazard and the smoke and toxins that get released in the environment, cause discomfort to all and severe distress to those with breathing problems and also to the old and sick who get disturbed by the loud sounds.

We can now start getting some direction in this debate. Everyone has full right to express his or her feelings of happiness but it should be done in a manner which does not cause inconvenience, discomfort or distress to others.

All it needs is to understand the points of both sides and take the middle path. There is no religious ritual that is under threat if we don’t burst firecrackers. There is no environment disaster that we can avoid by not bursting firecrackers. There are so many other things that we need to do to control the ever-increasing pollution.

So, if we want to express our joy and happiness let us just do it more responsibly, with consideration to the environment and compassion towards all others.

By enforcing bans, we are not able to achieve anything. There were more fireworks this Diwali than ever before. People try to violate the ban with vengeance. Best is to raise the collective consciousness and make everyone more considerate.

Real Happiness is not in wasting money or showing off or being insensitive in the celebration, it is in giving happiness to others.
