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Fire Safety: A Call for Immediate Action
Sector 26 Noida

Fire Safety: A Call for Immediate Action

Three cases of fire reported from the Sector in the last month

On a recent afternoon, a fire broke out in front of House number C 28 in Sector 26, caused by a fault in the overhead electrical lines. The disc separating the lines broke, leading to a short circuit and subsequent fire. Fortunately, quick action ensured the fire was doused in time, preventing major loss of property and, most importantly, avoiding any injuries.

This incident, however, highlights a persistent and dangerous issue: the vulnerability of our overhead electrical lines. Lineman Vikram has long been raising concerns about trees touching these lines, posing a significant fire risk. Despite his repeated requests to the authorities for tree trimming, little action has been taken.

As a community, we must prioritize fire safety and take proactive measures to reduce such risks. Here are several steps we can take:

1. Tree Trimming and Maintenance

Regular maintenance of trees near overhead lines is crucial. We need to coordinate with the local authorities to ensure these trees are trimmed regularly to prevent them from coming into contact with the electrical lines. This simple step can significantly reduce the risk of fires caused by short circuits.

2. Public Awareness Campaigns

Educating residents about fire safety norms and the importance of reporting potential hazards can make a substantial difference.

3. Emergency Preparedness

Residents should be well-prepared for emergencies. This includes having fire extinguishers readily available and knowing how to use them.

4. Advocacy for Infrastructure Improvements

One long-term solution is to push for the installation of underground electrical cables, as seen in the newer sectors of Noida. Underground cables are less susceptible to weather conditions and tree interference, significantly reducing the risk of electrical fires. The RW&CS should advocate for this upgrade, emphasizing the safety and reliability benefits it would bring to our sector.
