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Finally in Print!
Sushant Lok 1

Finally in Print!

The Year 2020 would forever be remembered as the year where the world stood still. Life came to a Halt and what was once considered “normal” was then considered a luxury.

Covid forced people to resort to other ways to work, be productive etc, however in Our case, our beloved print version had to be put on a halt whilst its more trendier version ( the online print) started doing the rounds. 2 years our Print version waited with a baited breath, knowing fully well ki “apna time ayega’ and lo behold, after 2 years of wait, Samvada finally started the year 2023 with a print version!

“I am an avid Samvada reader, when the online version replaced the print version, my heart sank as I enjoyed taking the print version with me in the garden to read while soaking in the sun. I was delighted to have the print version delivered to me as I did not have to fight technology to read about the latest happenings” said a Senior resident whilst our young readers had a different opinion “print version is always better than the online version, but I enjoyed reading the e print as well, especially because of the videos and pictures that were shared which made Samvada more interactive”.
