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Feeding Points for Dogs
Sun City

Feeding Points for Dogs

The Municipal Corporation has given certain guidelines to RWA for feeding points for stray dogs all across Gurgaon.

However in Suncity 3 years ago feeding points had been made.

As the feeding points were less compared to the stray dogs in the neighbourhood, more feeding points were identified with the help of the dog lovers.

However, recently some of the residents pointed out that dogs kept sitting outside their houses and tried to be over-friendly with the passers making some uncomfortable. Therefore during the SCRWA management and residents meeting, it was decided that the feeding points will be made with territories.

The benefit of having these is to care for and discipline the dogs only in those designated areas.

Along with that, the residents who feed the stray dogs will also get into the habit of using these areas, rather than anywhere and everywhere.

The feeding point also creates a safer environment for the residents who may not be very fond of the dogs and mostly get scared of the dogs running behind them thinking they will get food from them too.

This helps reduce accidents caused in such scenarios.

Sometimes the residents also end up overfeeding the dogs. Definitely, these feeding points have put people’s money into noble use for dog lovers and other residents.
