by Col Anil Alagh
The Elections
Southcity-I had been under control of the legally appointed Administrator-cum-RO, Sh SK Malik for the past 3.5 months. A capable and experienced man, whose patience was tested quite a few times, by some of our extra innovative residents. He deserves accolades for having maintained his composure and conducted the first ever ‘supervised’ SCRWA elections on Sunday, 16 Oct 2022, at Club Patio, in a dignified and professional manner.
From absolute ballot secrecy, to external observers and adequate police presence, the election process started in due earnest by sealing of the ballot box before 0900h in presence of the candidates. The run-up to the elections had seen fierce campaigning by two separate groups led by Mr. Ram Gupta and Mr. Sunil Mittal respectively. A total of 22 candidates contested the 5 key posts of President, Vice President, Gen Secy, Jt. Secy and Treasurer and the 6 posts of Colony representatives as the Executive Committee members. Both sides had meritorious ladies and gentlemen as their candidates. They were well known Colony faces besides being successful professionals / business persons in their personal lives.
It was, however, the first time that the campaigning, unfortunately became personalized. Both groups resorted to some uncomfortable character assassinations and insinuations at times. Whether it was done directly by the ‘bicholiyas’ or ‘chamchas’ who tag along as opportunists or done indirectly at the behest of the candidates themselves, it left a sour taste in the mouth of most sane residents of the Colony. Nobody should have forgotten, or should ever forget, that we are all resident friends first, and EC members only temporarily for 2 years tenures, thereafter. Friendships, mutual respect and graceful conduct, take precedence over everything else.
Both the Teams competing for the honors in these elections, had set up their desks outside the voting venue. Meet and greet was the norm. Bonhomie prevailed by and large, because other than the contesting candidates who were opponents for a day, residents who came as voters had equally good friends on both sides and saw it as a good opportunity to meet up so many folks at one venue.
The entire voting system was well organized and functioned like clockwork. The voting lines remained consistent between 0900h to 1600h, and the voters happily engaged in small talk as they waited their turn. Inside the polling booth, strict discipline and voting norms were followed to the hilt and if one had his / her wits about them, it was a 30 second or so turnaround for each resident to have his eligibility check done, stamp the ballot paper in secrecy, and cast his vote into the ballot box.
Never has Southcity-I seen such a large voter turnout. The stream of residents, especially the senior citizens, was indeed heartening. Those who were present in the Colony and did not cast their vote, need a reality check. They missed a chance to show their solidarity and responsibility to the Colony, as against almost 850 or so eligible voters, only approx. 460 or so cast their votes.
The writing was clear on the wall from around noon. The anti-incumbency factor was obvious and some in Mr. Ram Gupta’s Team predicted a 35:65 loss to the other team even at that early stage.
The Results
Hats off to Mr. Malik again, who organized the counting and announcement of results in double quick time. While the unofficial result was known by 1715h, he made the official announcement at 1730h after his final checks. (see video attached). There was obviously ‘joy and dhol and mithai’ amidst the dancing by the “Progressive Team. Mr. Sunil Mittal and his Team, had done a fabulous job together in the run-up to the elections, by sharing a timely manifesto (attached), holding resident meetings and making house calls to elicit support. Mr. Ram Gupta’s Team could not match it so well. This, and, as I said earlier, the anti – incumbency factor has won them the confidence and support of the residents for the next 2 year term.
The Future
As we go into Deepavali mode this coming week, I hope and pray that the change brings happiness to everyone. For the new Team, I am sanguine that they will start to deliver earliest. They have the experience, the josh, and a comfortable mandate. I personally feel the highest priority should be to launch a major SCRWA membership enrolment drive. There were many heartburns on this score prior to elections and we must utilize Nov 2022 as the ‘Membership Momentum Month’.
As regards Mr. Ram Gupta (RG) and the erstwhile EC members, and all his staunch supporters, a huge thank you for all that you did especially during COVID II, and of course other Colony matters. A quote from Julius Caesar comes to mind ‘the good is oft interred with their bones, the evil lives ever after’. So do not mind in case some of you receive stray messages written by some challenged residents. These messages will in no way take away the memory of the good work done by you and your Team.
I hope the new Team will utilize RG’s experience and contacts in the local bodies to its benefit, and I also hope RG will be gracious to support and give his time to help them continue where he left off in a smooth and seamless change-over. All said and done, each one of us must remember that, only the Colony and its residents are permanent, ECs come and go.
As for us residents. I think it is time to make a beeline for the SCRWA office and become members en masse. It is also time to shed our fetish for WhatsApp complaints and cribs and be physically and dynamically active in our support to the new EC. They seem to have a vision. Let us all shed the fragmented approach and come forward to help them achieve it. “Colony FIRST! Inter-personal relationships LATER!!”, should be our motto.
Before signing off, a huge thanks once again to Mr. SK Malik, the Administrator-cum-RO, for a job well done. The elections were held in a fair and professional manner, and will be long remembered.
Happy Deepavali. May Maa Lakshmi bless you with adequate wealth, and may Maa Kali add good health and happiness to it.

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