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Every Drop Counts

Every Drop Counts

As India faces one of its biggest droughts since Independence, stories of water scarcity and conflicts surrounding this are the new normal. 

Latur city in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra is often in the news for its crippling water shortage which requires the running of ‘jaldoot’ or water wagon trains for its five lakh residents. It is getting water supply only once a week as the storage level in Manjara dam plummeted to 20 per cent of its capacity. ( 

Given the severe water crisis in Latur and certain other pockets in the state, I decided to ask my friends and neighbours in South City 1, about what water-conservation measures they were implementing in their homes before we found ourselves caught in a similar water shortage situation.

These measures include: 

1. Using the washing machine to full capacity. This also keeps the electricity bill in check. 

2. Use the washing machine effluent to wash driveways/ cars and for mopping. The newer models of LG washing machines have a mode whereby the final effluent (clean water) can be reused for the next cycle 

3. Use the effluent from RO machines for washing /mopping/ watering plants 

4. Wash vegetables in a bowl of water which can then be used in the garden 

5. Water plants in the evening to minimise evaporation. 

6. Do not use a hose pipe to wash cars. Instead, use a bucket of water and a cleaning cloth. 

7. Fix any leaky taps. 

8. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth / applying soap/ shaving 

9. Have a shorter bath/ use a bucket and mug 

10. Use 80% less water by using Water Aerators which are attached to the nozzle of taps 

With our concerted efforts, we will surely be able to make a difference. I can almost hear the future generations say, “For every drop you save, we will be thanking you.” 

As a responsible citizen, we will save water by stopping the wastage of water. You can do it easily.:- 

1. Don’t keep the tap on continuously.

2. Save water by doing many other good measures.

3. Fix the leaky tap in the house.

4. Put minimum water in the pot of the tree.

Don’t sprinkle water on the road.
