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Every Big or Small Shop Keeper is Encouraging Vendors to Occupy as Much as You Can
New Friends Colony

Every Big or Small Shop Keeper is Encouraging Vendors to Occupy as Much as You Can

New Friends Colony Community Centre

Sunday draws lots of people to the NFC Community Centre. Dhabas serve a big crowd and so they put dozens of chairs on the pedestrian pathways to earn extra buck. They put Chulha and
Chonka even on the road. They are least bothered about the convenience of the pedestrians who are constantly coming and going.

About fifty vendors with electric connections are selling garments, a brisk business is going on. They have occupied the entire corridor of the Community Centre. It may not be good if, one says that only one agency is involved in the drama, because everybody is fully conversant and so the show is going on.

The well-equipped Police Station is just at back of the market and the Chowki Room has been constructed in the middle of the market. See photo how the rickshaw is parked in a stylish way with the wall of Delhi Police Chowki.

On almost all pillars huge trash is lying and hundreds of places one can see garbage, empty bottles, wrappers, boxes and bones, roti cuts of dhabas are lying and stinking profusely. The stray dogs are Ringling tingling with them.

Malba is lying here and there and the broken footpath, boundary walls, benches, poles are telling a pathetic story.

All types of beggars are there to trouble you, may it be child or old folks.

Every big or small shop keeper is encouraging vendors to occupy as much as you can, “if I cover so can you” So “live and let live” is happily going on.

by Ashok Nanchahal (D906 NFC VarikshaRopan)
