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Essence of Glamour – Neeta Uppal – Resident of E Block GK2
Greater Kailash 2

Essence of Glamour – Neeta Uppal – Resident of E Block GK2

Glamour has assumed different meanings with the changing times. To understand different perspectives and what it means to each – we spoke to Neeta Uppal, an MBA and ex-advertising strategist turned full time blogger. An extremely happy mom to a 13 year old son, she has been a resident of Gk2 since 2009. We share her views with our readers.

I have spent two days thinking about the ‘essence of glamour’ and what it means to me, and at the risk of sounding rather cliché, I will have to admit that to me, it is about being true to oneself and having the courage to show to the world the wonders of ‘YOU’. These are the qualities I see in the women I admire so deeply.

I am not a follower of fashion trends, much to the dismay of some of my fashionista friends. I am a follower of classic styles, elegant cuts, and graceful silhouettes. Nothing exemplifies elegance more than a well draped saree. Our traditional attire, handcrafted and embroidered in mul muls, soft cotton and linens has been my go-to for years now. Our neighbourhood’s talented designers are whom I turn to for outfits for special occasions. Their ideas and designs inspire me.

I believe in the fitness of the mind as well as the body. Never one to weigh myself every day, I judge my fitness with how I feel inside. A session of yoga early in the morning, when the world outside is quiet, is how a perfect day begins. Yoga gives me mental peace. I like to watch what I eat but I do enjoy my post-lunch chocolate too! Cheat days are important, because what really is the point then? Life, I sincerely believe, is all about balance.

My joy comes to me from the women who shape my existence every day – my family, and friends. My life-long friend, Vandana, encouraged and thrust me into the world of blogs and writing. Through her, I have met some amazing women in the neighbourhood. These women inspire me with their stories. My mother, mother-in-law, my sister and so many others give me a daily dose of boost. I call them my espresso shots!

The essence of Glamour lies in being comfortable in your own skin, in standing tall, and in having the courage to withstand all. If you are happy with yourself, nothing else matters. Happy International Women’s Day to all of you who push the boundaries every moment of every day.

by Amita Bhuwania (9810085065)
