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Environment Day Celebration in GK-2
Greater Kailash 2

Environment Day Celebration in GK-2

Mother Earth is a priceless gift for all living beings. It is the only planet that is known to sustain life. The consequences of environmental abuse can be far reaching and irreversible.

The World Environment Day, celebrated on 5th June every year, serves to remind us of our obligations towards our planet. This UN commemorated day has become the largest global platform for environmental outreach when millions of people across the globe join hands to save the Mother Earth.   

On 4th June‘23, two young girls, Saara Mehta and Shaivya Gupta, both residents of GK-2, took initiative and organized a meaningful program titled ‘Project Green Earth‘ in the Senior Citizens Recreation Centre with the support of MCD and GKIIWA. Mrs Meena Kapoor gave the introductory speech. The data on environmental deterioration presented by Saara and Shaivya was eye opening. They invited Ms Uma Talwar (VP GKIIWA), Mr Rao of WOW Foundation and me for delivering talks on home composting. Uma ji spoke on the importance of waste segregation. Mr Rao carried his home composting kits and explained the process of home composting, which is fairly simple. The kitchen waste is layered on a handful of coco pit over which a few drops of liquid microbe is poured. The mixture is kept covered for a few days to convert it into manure. Composting is necessary to divert organic waste from landfills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adding nutrients to the soil and to support the local ecosystem. The home composting kits are available in GKIIWA office for use by the colony residents.
