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Malibu Towne

Embracing Nature for Good Living

The health benefits of contact with nature cannot be overemphasized. However, urbanization and obsession with granite cladding of every inch of FAR space un-der the vagaries of new lifestyle have impacted human contact with nature in many societies. Malibu Towne is no exception and is inching similarly. The array of benefits of contact with nature includesa feeling of freshness and breathing healthy clean air. However, even man-made green parks, (we in Malibu are blessed ! ) add a lot of tangible benefits through cultivated green environs. These parks in residential colonies also provide space for social cohesion among residents of all age groups. Such healthy social interaction is not only fun but is inherently stress relieving. It, therefore, becomes our social responsibility not to litter around our parks and empty plots for good living.

Besides we must conscientiously and scrupulously follow

standard norms for the disposal of domestic waste. Interest by residents in this area and ensuring a disciplined approach will help us embrace Nature for Good Living in Malibu.

Contact with nature in its raw form, as much as possible, by way of excursions to mountains, rivers, oceans, deltas, flora and fauna in forests etc is highly desirable. No doubt we prefer to inhabit in big cities for various other reasons.  Let us also embrace nature for good living.

Quoting from a scripture, “Sab Teree Kudrat Tu Kadar Karta Paki Nahi Pak”

(The Entire Nature is Thy Creation. Purest of the Pure!)
