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Defence Colony

Election Fever Grips Def Col

Def col hosted the elections for its DCWA RWA and Club on 10th and 11th August. The candidates were busy contacting the residents through various mediums including social media, calls and personal visits to their prospective voters!

DCWA – RWA elections were scheduled for 11th August and it was disheartening to see that the actual elections were held for only very few posts as most of the positions were already filled unopposed or were vacant due to various reasons. When we contacted various groups of residents in the colony, the major issues for not applying for any positions were listed out as under:

• Every election generally results in various court cases …due to illegal rejections of non-preferred candidates. RWA has been spending a huge amount of money of the residents on these court cases due to personal egos, poor politics and superiority complex after getting elected for any senior positions.

• The elected office bearers generally bully the other members who keep resigning during their tenure as they are not able to express their issues and suggestions.

• The team of the leader is generally preferred for the major posts and the other team is given petty work or say negligible duties which demotivate it to do something good for society.

• Young members generally stay away from RWA posts as they keep observing a lot of politics and mud-slinging in the social groups of the colony.

•  The civic services of the colony are in the worst conditions and people are not ready to take the responsibilities to resolve anything by doing regular follow- ups.

DCWA club Elections: The club elections are mostly based on the entertainment activities being done in the club for the members which make the candidates visible in the colony during various events. Let’s hope the team this time is active and adds more and more activities for the members.

RWA and club candidates must ensure maximum possible time to execute their plans as per the suggestions and demands of the residents to make them happy. As the candidates are also residents and users of the club, they must understand the issues and take them systematically to improve the over-all conditions of the colony. The major issues are security, roads, street lights, parks, cleanliness, water, sewerage and electricity which may be resolved in the coming months by new teams. We hope more and more residents come forward to serve in various capacities to create a stronger base for the future generations. Here’s wishing all the best to the new team.
