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“Ek Shaam Gumnam Shaheedon Ke Naam”
Vasant Kunj

“Ek Shaam Gumnam Shaheedon Ke Naam”

he entire SCWA compound was reverberating with patriotic fervor on the evening of Sat, 19 Aug. The event was organized to pay homage to the forgotten martyrs
through enacting a play “Ek Shaam Gumnam Shaheedon ke Naam”.
The entire play which was studded with a poem, song, narrations was written by the scholarly President of SCWA, Dr Indu Sharma. Dr Indu Sharma, the dynamic figure is well known for her literary talent, oratory, and leadership qualities. The song was composed and melodiously rendered by Mahesh Talwar, a well- known singer. The poem was recited by Dr Indu Sharma herself.
The dance was choreographed and presented by Ameeta Mehra and her team of dancers. Mrs Mehra also anchored the show and presented the brief profile of the martyrs along with Santosh Kumar Sharma, an established author who also directed the play. Mr. Sharma was also in the role of presenter.
The performers Shashi Bhambhri Wing Commander SP Bhambhri, NK Gupta, Master Adi Singh, Veena Gilani, Anil Narula, Mrs. Brinda, Ashok Dhingra, Saroj Gupta, Ashok Soin, Usha Kalia, Rajeshwar Dayal, Sangeeta Nigam, Amrit Bhargave, Rajesh Singh, Ashok Arora, Usha Kalia, Sangeeta Nigam, Rekha, Archna and Jyoti Mehta did complete justice to the role they were assigned. Mr. V.B Sharma was the perfect Stage Manager. There was pin drop silence in the auditorium as audience which numbered more than a hundred were spell bound by the play. Rajesh Pawar, the Chairman of Federation of RWAs’ of Vasant Kunj was the Chief Guest who was all praise for the President, the organisers and the artistes. He also assured of all the cooperation from Federation. Mr Vaid, the Treasurer of the Federation and Mr Pant, ex-Chairman of the Federation also graced the occasion. Satish Dogra, Secretary, SCWA presented the vote of thanks. The program ended with the singing of National Anthem.
The audience were treated with a sumptuous dinner after the show.
