A week before Ganesh Chaturthi, a Ganesh Special clay modelling workshop was held by Tanvi Saraiya, a lady who wears several creative hats. She had earlier conducted a calligraphy session in a Meghdutam Rangmanch workshop.
Around a dozen participants with an equal number of parents and children, some in parent-child pairs, participated in the two-hour workshop. Beginning with a large, shapeless lump of clay, the participants were taken through the process of building a platform, shaping and placing each body part of Ganesha, not forgetting his mount, Mushika, the small chuha, and his favourite laddoos! Along the way, Tanvi spoke about the quality of clay — practically demonstrating to the group various nuances about shaping and joining each part while maintaining the stability of the clay statuette as it evolved.
Benefits of clay modelling: When children pinch, squeeze, poke, prod, pound, pile up, roll, cut and shape clay with their fingers and hand muscles, it improves their motor skills and hand-eye coordination, helps develops an understanding of mathematical concepts such as volume, measurement, sequence and order, exposes them to experimentation (trial and error), and introduces them to various shapes and textures.
Creativity: Clay modelling offers avenues to children to be creative when they plan what they are going to make and then express their own ideas.
Anticipation: It provides them a chance to learn anticipation, the ability to expect, foresee, predict and look forward to next steps, and, if wrong, correct themselves quickly.
Therapeutic: Clay modelling is a stressbuster for both adults and children, breaking the monotony of daily work and studies which are stress-inducing and tiring.
Last, but not the least, clay modelling is a socialising project, where people and children work with or along with others, sharing ideas, observing and assessing others, especially in collaborative projects. It’s a much more enriching live experience than online stuff. Projects like clay modelling will keep them away from their smart phones!
Next time you hear about Rangmanch workshops, don’t miss the opportunity. If you’re not a part of the broadcast group, whatsapp 9899437350 for free enrolment.
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