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E-Block’s Bundle of Talent 12-year-old Aadya Tejpal Publishes her 1st Book
Greater Kailash 1

E-Block’s Bundle of Talent 12-year-old Aadya Tejpal Publishes her 1st Book

You use a glass mirror to see your face. You use works of art to see your soul.” As rightfully quoted by George Bernard Shaw, this great credo requires a lot of deep reflection and contem plation, and we should strive to attain this philosophy in our day-to-day lives, says Aadya, all of 12 years old in her opening statement when I met her to know more about how she, at such a young age ended up publishing a book.

Aadya, a student of Bluebells School International, admittedly a voracious reader, with an interest in writing stories, songs, poems, singing, painting, playing piano, says with a shy smile “I strive to do, as they say – Let your imagination run wild.”

Her love for writing began early in school related work with her enthusiasm in penning down essays and poems. As her interest grew over time, and inspired by Olivia Rodrigo (favourite singer) endlessly motivating her to touch the sky, even if from a mundane background. Olivia is also the main protagonist in her book, when asked the reason for a Non Indian Name.

She firmly believes that creativity comes from you; what you see, what you hear, what you feel, and what lies within you. “I am grateful for the opportunity offered to me by my School and Bribooks for conducting a workshop on Book Writing & Publishing, the prize being publication of the winning entry.” She says I wrote my book by making connections and putting on the table a lot of ‘what ifs’, letting my curiosity and imagination get the better of me.

Aadya wishes to balance academics and future endeavours alongside the never-ending flame of her creativity. In this journey, she wishes her passion to gather as many blessings as it can. For those of you who wish to get a copy of her first book ‘Earth No More’ for age groups 6-9 years mainly, can get the same through

by Rajiv Kakria (9810275168)
