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E-Block Rekindles it’s Senior Citizen Initiative with Refreshing Ideas
Greater Kailash 1

E-Block Rekindles it’s Senior Citizen Initiative with Refreshing Ideas

Some years back E-Block had a thriving Senior Citizen Group working under a special RWA Committee. There were many activities taken up to keep the seniors en-gaged. The purpose of having such a group was to engage community in meaningful exchange, by utilizing the abundance of talent in helping each other.

This time round Kavita Shivani, the new MC member has been proactive in suggesting that instead of just togetherness and picnics for Seniors, that they keep having periodically, we should engage a larger cross section of society by forming Support Groups that truly help mitigate challenges, that have cropped up in a changing all round environment.

On Sunday morning over 30 Seniors met over Breakfast to brain storm  how best to make it an inclusive initiative by involving Children, Youth and Seniors in a meaningful Support Group. Chairperson Kavita Shivani shared her views and emphasized that we should engage those residents willing to give time and form varied Support Groups by understanding the real needs of our Seniors. Sub Groups like Convalescence Support Group; Online Training Group; Story Telling Group etc to engage Youngsters.

There were many ideas and many people offered to give time, this is really encouraging. Also discussed were initiatives of how other countries are managing. Holland for example engages youngsters, who get stipends from the Government to adopt a Senior Citizen and help them with their grocery shopping, bill payments and companionship etc. In America they create self contained Housing Societies, Canada is the place to be in the Golden Years. We have to look for solutions that best suit our very own Indian Life Style.

The meeting ended with a sumptuous Breakfast hosted by GKRA President & E-Block RWS Secretary, Sanjay Anand with enthusiastic participation of other MC members.
