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Dust Management – Can It Be Done to Contain Air Pollution?

Air pollution is the cause of concern for everyone for a good living in a civil society. Many factors attribute to the raising air pollution, which can be categorized into two.

One, for which the Government or Local Authority is required to take and enforce preventive measures and, the other, that can be taken up by individuals and the Community Welfare Society.

For example, the sweeping of roadsides inside the sector is part of the daily routine to keep the surroundings clean. Do we ever observe that the quantity of dust particles floating in the air during manual sweeping by sweepers are much more harmful not only to humans but also the environment as they settle over everything around including grass, plants, flowers and trees, which when lifted even by little wind enters our houses and also inside our body through breathing?

When walking outside our houses during sweeping of the road, we just put our hands on our nose to avoid inhaling only for a few seconds. This is the only way we have been doing since decade, but never think of the cause and solution to prevent or reduce dust.

The question is: Why there is accumulation of dust on roadsides inside our sector and where does this dust come from?

Most of it comes from the Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste left on roadsides, falling/spilling of construction material during transportation and also during dusty storms. The other major factor is through the tyres of vehicles that come in contact with loose/wet soil somewhere during its movements and same is scattered on the road.

Can we prevent it? Yes of course, to certain extents. There are measures not exhaustive, for example:

1. RWA can ensure that roadsides are maintained properly, kept clear of any obstruction, potholes, encroachment, unused building materials, etc.

2. Small vacuum cleaning machines can be used at certain intervals to clean the road and roadsides to remove the dust.

3. Water sprinkling on roads can be done frequently followed by manual sweeping immediately after that.

4. Instructions and Orders issued by Noida Authority and other Enforcement Agencies to prevent air pollution must be ensured by all the residents.

5. Strict action against defaulters be taken and displayed at public platform to caution others.

6. A common and interactive WhatsApp group can be created for residents to upload image or videos of good and bad things around us so that RWA and concerned agency may take needful and timely action to resolve the same.

The suggestions from residents/environmentalists which are executable must be welcomed and implemented to further improve things around us, for better community living. 
