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Domestic Helps – Extended Family to Nirvanites
Nirvana Country

Domestic Helps – Extended Family to Nirvanites

We are able to balance our work life and family needs in metro cities because of the strong support of domestic helps back home. Domestic workers, being an unorganised sector, we experience huge losses on both the sides of the table while dealing with this section of Human Resource, loss of trust, structure, financial and loss of mental peace.

The Women residents of Nirvana Country felt a need of organising this sector at the community level for the best and mutual benefits of two communities, residents and the unstable, migratory community of domestic helps available around Nirvana Country. With initiatives of few resident women, the Domestic Help Committee (DHC) came into existence in 2015.

The Committee started with putting up a structure to the process of hiring, salaries, retention, security and wellbeing, within the ambit of the Country’s laws and with “Inclusion” as the core value.

DHC developed Policy for hiring Domestic helps with strict dos and don’ts. Like Police registration of helpers, Behavioural and hygiene training, no employment under 16 years of age, capping the rates per work according to villa size, number of family members etc, contractual agreement between residents and Domestic Helpers for employment as well as exit / termination, compensation and benefits and so on. Within the ambit of employee’s rights, an informal Grievance redressal system for general disputes, payments as well as Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (POSH Act 2013) was put in place for both the sides of the table. This process brought in a lot of order, lawfulness, safety, security and harmony on both the sides.

As good will gestures, DHC conducted many programs for the domestic helps and their families like periodic health camps by renowned hospitals and doctors, skill development training for cooks, gardeners, good housekeeping,  Opening bank accounts, KYC booths for digital payments. We celebrated many festivals together, Garage sell from the residents reusable items at a nominal cost were conducted for house hold needs of these helpers.

To boost morale and inculcate good working practices, awards and recognition were introduced for good workers and for long- term service with one employer.

To bring in stability in their lives, DHC often raised funds for education of children of the domestic helps in good schools, private schools as well as NGO.

With these practices now over a decade, Nirvana Country has become a supportive and respectful community to work with for the domestic helpers, and is able to handle over 1000 domestic workers coming for the work every day.

DHC- A replicable model for all the residential societies! 
