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Dog Shelters
Sector 30, 31 & 36

Dog Shelters

by Anita Singh (9810027974)

In the eyeball to eyeball confrontation between Dog Lovers and Human Apologists, it becomes imperative for administration to maintain a fine balancing act between the two. After demar
cating feeding points for dogs, A Block Resident well-wishers have created two Dog Shelters for their street dogs. Site selection is extremely crucial. An isolated location, with few footfalls is ideal. As the Sector plots sell like hot cakes, these areas become more and more scarce. We were fortunate enough to identify two substantial locations. One location is under an over bowering tree, which provides shade during the summer months too. A raised platform, sloping outward, to prevent water collection and covered with donated asbestos sheets has been constructed. Bowls which are left for food and water are the responsibility of the Dog-Lovers. So is the general cleanliness of the area. Food littering is a strict no-no. Old woollens, sheets and gunny bags have been placed for the cold winter months. In a country with deep levels of poverty, it becomes necessary to provide only the worst, tattered clothes and blankets, which even the most impoverished, are not tempted to usurp.
