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Dog Poop and Broken Tree Branches Making AN DDA Park Unsuitable for Public Use
Anand Niketan

Dog Poop and Broken Tree Branches Making AN DDA Park Unsuitable for Public Use

The DDA Park, which is primarily used for dog exercise, has unfortunately become dirty and unkempt. To address this issue positively and improve sanitation, here are a few suggestions:

Appreciate Responsible Residents: Many dog walkers already use poop scoops and biodegradable bags, placing them in green bins. However, these bins are overflowing, and sometimes sweepers refuse to empty them. Despite RWA efforts, no removal is being done. Recognition and encouragement of these responsible residents are essential so that others are also start following them.

Promote Responsibility: Some dog walkers are careless about where their pets relieve themselves, leaving waste on paved paths. Dog owners should be encouraged to ensure their walking staff always carries poop scoops and bags to clean up after their dogs and use the bins provided.

Debris Removal: Dry leaves and broken branches need manual removal until access is improved or a new suitable location for mechanized vehicles is established.

Access Issues: There are two park access points: one from the A Block side, which is blocked between two houses, and another from Balak Nath Road, also blocked. Cooperation from DDA and residents can help create functional access points for debris removal.

The concerned authorities are therefore requested to consult with residents to find a workable solution to this issue as possible.
