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Diwali Mela C block Sushant Lok I
Sushant Lok 1

Diwali Mela C block Sushant Lok I

by Meena Wanchu

This year SLRWA decided to have a Diwali Mela, the residents were informed quite in advance, stalls were allotted; with the grand presentation of musical night. Some of the residents were not happy about it as they thought the security and other problems of the colony should be paid more attention than celebrating the event. Many of the residents wanted to go ahead so it proceeded to the decided date and time. 

It was a very colorful affaire, the attractive uniform of the guards outside the main gate, the welcome committee in their Rajasthani costume presented quite an eye catching panorama, the different swings; for children, and varied hue stalls were spreading the fervor of the event.

The music event started a little later, the artists were good and lifted the community’s mood up by making them forget the residing hurdles and let loose with the beautiful presentation. Mz. Arpita liked the performance of the school children, the honorable councilor also attended the function, magic show attracted many children, and live show of Kishore Kumar songs was quite entertaining. 

Residents enjoyed a fun filled evening as they felt a wonderful event was held after a long time in the colony, thanked the SLRWA and hoped for the future events to be as successful too.
