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Diwali Celebrations Pain For Neighbours
Sushant Lok 1

Diwali Celebrations Pain For Neighbours

by Lata Kumar

Diwali is a time to interact and party with your loved ones . Singing dancing drinking playing taash but community event can become a nuisance for residents nearby.

We are two editor friends (Lata Kumar and Renu Dwivedi) living on two sides of a wall dividing the private houses and the IVY .

This Diwali, a few days earlier, we had a police PCR van in our lane looking for the culprit who was singing loudly on loudspeaker post 11pm, it was certainly not in our private lonely A Block lane…. it was the Diwali Party at Ivy!

The van on discovering that went there and thank God the noise stopped within me we Private houses did not complain however the joke between us two co-editors remains that one did not bear the happiness of another!
