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Disappointingly Low Turnout of 15A Voters in the Parliamentary Election
Sector 15A Noida

Disappointingly Low Turnout of 15A Voters in the Parliamentary Election

Once again, the disappointing turnout in the recently conducted parliamentary elections has left our Sector residents disheartened. Shashi Sharma, resident of… took the initiative to form a Nari Shakti group, dividing the Sector into blocks of thirty houses, urging women to mobilize and encourage voter participation. Despite these efforts, only 50% of eligible voters cast their ballots.

Several factors may have contributed to this low turnout, including residents who have moved away but remain on the voting list, as well as the long weekend. However, these reasons cannot excuse the lack of civic responsibility. We hope that in future, our Sector residents will recognize the importance of their duty to democracy and actively participate in shaping our country. Many senior residents were seen arriving on wheelchairs to vote but comparatively the younger generation did not show great enthusiasm.
