The dhalao in D- Block was removed and relocated to compactor/crusher on the main road of Panchsheel Enclave. The original plan was to make a water reservoir but to my utter surprise, I found a school mushrooming there. One day, out of curiousity, I visited the premises. From the outside, it looks like a small school but on craning my neck inside saw a few tiny tots sitting on chairs and desks in front. There are three classrooms with very basic amenities. On inquiring from the teacher about the strength of the class, she replied 45. They are from the the nearby jhuggi cluster. Some of them are children of maids, drivers and fruit and vegetable vendors. A few take tuitions after school. In another class room, I saw one of our residents teaching the children. She is teaching voluntarily and wants to help the underprivileged. There are two voluntary teachers from the neighbourhood and three more teachers who are on their payroll. The school is run by an NGO and some Ramesh heads the NGO. Three rooms with all the temporary facilities are provided and being used there. On inquiring further,I was told that Dr. Manju Rani does a lot of financial contribution. I called up Dr. Manju Rani and took a general idea about the school. She explained that she is just helping the poor kids who can not afford good education. She spends approximately Rs. Fifteen lacs per annum to run the school and after school, the tuition classes. The tuition classes help her bear some of the expenses. She informed that this school has MCD sanction and Mrs. Shikha Rai has also visited the school. It is running regularly since 22nd August 2022. Enrolled strength of students is about 70 kids. Dr. Manju Rani is a doctor by profession and is working with WHO. I told her that this place seems unhygienic & not good for such an activity, as there is an adjoining urinal, without any water facility. She informed me that she had initially asked if the basement in the Mandir could be used for the school but since there is a physiotherapy centre already there, it was ruled out. Dr. Manju Rani is running more such schools in Chirag Delhi and Pitampura and is very driven in providing education to the underprivileged. She feels that the underprivileged also have a right to progress and rise in life. The cause is noble but the only fear is if it turns into a proper big school, it might cause traffic and safety issues for the colony.
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