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Develop A Mindset That Supports Consideration of Others
Vasant Kunj

Develop A Mindset That Supports Consideration of Others

Parking Woes

DDA is often in the news for all the wrong reasons. One case in point is the way parking space was provided in the DDA colonies in Vasant Kunj.

Garages were constructed for parking of scooters but a limited space existed for parking of cars in the open.

  Since 1988, when the flats were allotted, things have changed drastically.

  1. Almost no one uses the garage to park scooters.
  2. The profile of residents is quite different from the one foreseen earlier. It is middle & upper middle class now with better financial means.
  3. Vasant Kunj has become an upscale colony attracting professionals working with the nearby malls and private hospitals. Added to this group are those who work in Gurgaon.
  4. The middle class tends to flaunt their cars as a status symbol. The size of car, therefore, is becoming bigger. SUVs, Mercedes and BMW cars are no more a rare sight.
  5. In most cases, both husband and wife work and want independent transport to commute. Nuclear family is order of the day.
  6. Absence of Metro and poor public transport leave fewer options. 
  7. Society has become convenience centric. Every family member wants a personal mobile, separate room and own car with exclusive parking space.  
  8. Society at large lacks consideration for others.
       The combined effect of these developments is growing population of cars requiring more and more space for parking. No space is exclusively reserved for individual flats. It is first come first served.
      The situation on ground has been quite bad. Many residents started putting up signs with car no./ flat no. signalling reservation of that space for them. Most cars were parked one by the side of another. This often resulted in fights as most households have had multiple cars. The RWA could not find a solution.
       Like water, parking space has become a scarce resource. The photograph points to one possible solution for equitable distribution of this resource. Each block having 8 flats can park 8 cars in 4 rows instead of 8 rows provided cars are parked one behind the other at least by the flats having multiple cars if not by all. Additional cars can be parked alongside the road in neutral gear. These cars must have easily visible flat no and tel no. pasted inside in one corner of the windshield. Visitors also must follow this routine.
      It has been found that the system works best when the neighbours have good relations & are prepared to accommodate others’ needs. Bad relations tend to spill over to the shared facilities like parking space. 
      RWA can arrange to remove the abandoned vehicles, occupying the precious space, which the residents can identify and report. 
      Residents can also deal with haphazard parking by pointing out to the owners. 
      The D-3/4 RWA had launched Roko Toko campaign that encourages the residents’ involvement in spotting and politely requesting the defaulters to change. 
      For successful implementation of such measures, all concerned need to learn to develop a mindset that supports consideration for others at all times.

by Rakesh Dewan (D-3/3124, 8810244978)

1 Comment

  1. Shephaliand Manoj

    Your valuable suggestions if incorporated, will really ease the parking woes!
